Jakia Norah

July 8, 2018

Resources to Learn and Practice Coding

So you want to learn to program but you don’t know where to start? There are so many low cost or free resources right at your fingertips.


This is one of my favorite websites. It covers a variety of topics and even has interactive interview prep. All of the tutorials are interactive and helps you lay down the ground work needed in order to be able to create a website or application on your own. This website also gives you the opportunity to contribute to open source projects using your github account. The best part is it's free!!


This is a great website to get started on learning a new programming language. Codecademy has tutorials on a variety of languages including Ruby, Java,PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, and Python. Codecademy uses interactive lesson to help you learn your desired language, so this means you code while you learn. This is a very hands on experience, which is the best way to learn programming in my experience. If you upgrade to the pro account (which is $19.99 a month) you’ll get a personalized learning plan, quizzes, projects and even advisors. You can contact the advisors instantly using the live chat feature and they’ll help you by reviewing your code, debugging your code, and helping you when you get stuck.


This is another great resource. There are a ton of free courses and there are also courses you can buy. The paid courses that cost as little as $15. Udemy has frequent sales on their courses so keep an eye out for an amazing sale. The cool thing about Udemy is that students can review courses they take so before you buy a course you can read the reviews to help make your decision easier. The courses usually consist of video lectures that you can code along with.


This is a super informative website for coders. You’ll find articles on anything that has to do with the code. The most helpful part of this website for beginner , in my opinion, is the Articles that include tutorials. There are so many different tutorials for coding projects in various languages. This helps you get hands on experience coding various types of projects. You can use the quick answers section of the website if you get stuck while coding.


This one took some getting used to. I recommend practicing your coding skills on HackerRank. They do something called 30 days of code where they send you a new challenge to solve each day. You can complete the coding challenge in the programming language you’re most comfortable with. The challenges get harder as the days go by. It’s really great practice, especially if you’ll be in the market for a job soon since some jobs test your coding skills using HackerRank.


I can’t stress enough how helpful this website is. This is a community of coders that ask and answer questions related to coders. Just sign up for a free account to ask your first question. Before you ask your question it’s a good idea to search the forum to see if someone has already asked your question and gotten answers. Once you sign up you can also answer other user’s questions. Programmers of all levels can find this website extremely useful. This site is also very beginner friendly. This is the perfect website to search if you’re trying to figure out how to do something or if you get stuck and you’re getting compile errors that you don’t understand.


Every coding language has documentation to help you learn the language. Here are a few docs that you may find helpful: Java, C#, Ruby, Python, PHP, Javascript, React, Angular.

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